
Staying the Course

Staying the Course

Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been studying 1st and 2nd Timothy. Essentially, it spends a lot of its page space discussing the do’s and do not’s of church leadership and reminding Timothy of some key spiritual concepts. As I’ve been unraveling my calling into ministry over the past year, I have thought long and hard (and lost much sleep) over how to go the distance as an honorable vessel for the Lord and not burn out or let my calling/passion fade. Obviously, you can't figure all that out for a life time within the course of a year, but I’ve accumulated some knowledge that keeps me from drifting. If nothing else, it'll always serve as a baseline heart-check for me.

All About His Grace

All About His Grace

I have been a regular church attender since before I was born. I grew up in the church and I love the church. However for most of my life I was trained in a thought process that urged me to live in performance mode. I was never taught that my works would save me. However, for most of my life I felt that I needed live my life trying to win God’s approval. There was this overriding theme in the teaching I heard that we needed to act right so God would bless us.